24 September 2017

Boston Haikai 189 -- Illegal lane changes

With punk rock playing
I change lanes illegally
Cut through Somerville
Sept 23 -- Somerville, Hwy 28

Boston Haikai 188 -- Crossing three bridges

Crossing three bridges
Over two different rivers
Left at the strip mall
Sept 23 2017 -- Somerville and Malden, Mystic River

Boston Haikai 187 -- Fair prizes

Carrying prizes
Won at great cost to her dad
Carried home to bed
Sept 9 2017 -- Italian feast

Boston Haikai 186 -- Street festival

Old couples dancing
To a half-remembered song
Teens kiss in the dark
Sept 9 2017

Boston Haikai 184 -- Married fifty years

Married fifty years
Dancing in the street to pop songs
Last night before fall
Sept 9 2017 -- Street festival

Boston Haikai 185 -- New college kids

New denim jackets
On new college kids waiting
For the leaves to fall
Sept 8 2017

26 August 2017

Boston Haikai 183 -- Saturday chores

Saturday's poem
Is an old blue Toyota
Wiped clean of bird shit
26 August 2017 -- Cleaning the car

19 August 2017

Boston Haikai 182 -- Airport

No incoming flights
At one-o-seven pm,
Only hot cement
16 August 2017 -- Logan Airport

Boston Haikai 181 -- Flagpole

Flag taps a rhythm
Against its pole at its school
Empty in August
12 August 2017

Boston Haikai 180 -- Asphalt sprouts

Sprouted in August
From under torn up asphalt,
Traffic cones, lilac
8 August 2017 -- Harding St under construction

Boston Haikai 179 -- Broken water gun

Broken water guns,
Tucked in Power Ranger shorts
Elms in summer leaf
8 August 2017 -- Secret park

Boston Haikai 178 -- Staring at a cat

Staring at a cat
While it stares at a rabbit
The sun heads for bed
16 July 2017 -- De Graff house

Boston Haikai 177 -- July 4

Found perfect quiet,
Or close enough, in Brighton;
The fourth of July
4 July 2017 -- Brighton park

Boston Haikai 176 -- Toilet waves

Toilet water waves
in apparent sympathy
with the rain outside
6 June 2017 -- 1 AM

Boston Haikai 174 -- Pizza in the park

Pizza in the park
Waited on by a staff of
birds and eager dogs
4 June 2017 -- Boston Common

Boston Haikai 175 -- Button Swept Up

A button swept up
with the dust at ten pn
goes into the trash
3 June 2017

26 June 2017

Boston Haikai 173 -- Taking out trash

Taking out the trash
At sunset in an alley
While dinner boils
June 26 2017 -- At home

09 June 2017

Boston Haikai 172 -- Open front door

The sun, and neighbors,
All are welcome through my door.
Yes, even you, flies.
2 June 2017 -- Sitting with the front door open

Boston Haikai 171 -- A button

A button swept up
With the dust at ten PM
Goes into the trash
3 June 2017 -- The kitchen

Boston Haikai 170 -- Toilet waves

Waves in the toilet
In natural sympathy
With the storm outside
6 June 2017 -- During a rainstorm

Boston Haikai 169 -- Pizza dogs

Pizza in the park
Waited on by a staff of
birds and eager dogs
4 June 2017 - Boston Common

29 May 2017

Boston Haikai 168 -- Asphalt stream

When I close my eyes
The rush of tires on asphalt
Sounds like a cool stream
May 28 2017 -- Cambridge St

Boston Haikai 167 -- Secret rooster

Walking at sunrise
I learn one of my neighbors
Houses a rooster
May 29 2017 -- East Cambridge / Somerville

Boston Haikai 166 -- Eye migration

From a blank notebook
To an oak tree with new leaves
Spring eye migration
May 2017 -- Office, looking out the window

20 May 2017

Boston Haikai 159 -- Sox traffic

Summer traffic jam
Making exhaust and headaches
The Sox won their game
May 2017 -- Mass Ave. Bridge at rush hour

Boston Haikai 165 -- Forgot my watch

In taking my son
To the sandbox this evening
I forgot my watch
May 21 2017 -- Playground

10 May 2017

Boston Haikai 164 -- The sparrows have won

The sparrows have won
Today's war for the bird seed
Maybe next time, jays
Apr 13 2017 -- Backyard

Boston Haikai 163 -- While I was at work

While I was at work
All the elm trees on my street
Began to flower
Apr 18 2017

Boston Haikai 162 -- Nothing to complain about

Under green blossoms
Nothing to complain about
How to pass time now?
May 7 2017

Boston Haikai 161 -- Jazz from a boombox

Jazz from a boombox,
The clicks of a turn signal,
A whisper of wind
May 7 2010 -- A street corner in Somerville

Boston Haikai 160 -- Cat crosses the street

Cat crosses the street
Like it paid for whole thing -
I stop anyway
May 7 2017

Boston Haikai 158 -- Pigeons and old men

Sunday afternoon,
Old men compete with pigeons,
For the best benches
May 7 2017 -- Cambridge St

Boston Haikai 157 -- Cormorants are back

Cormorants are back
My heart is almost ready
To feel love again
May 10 2017 -- Cormorants in the river

02 May 2017

Boston Haikai 156 -- Refuse to write

I refuse to write
Any more poems until
These clouds go away
May 2 2017 -- Disappointing spring rain

Boston Haikai 155 -- Cormorants are back

Cormorants are back
Along with pedestrians
In heels and tight pants

May 5 2017 -- Dirt path on the river

09 April 2017

Boston Haikai 154 -- A Salary Dog

Stop a minute, dog
Who's paying your salary
That you work so hard?
April 8 2017, Dogs working hard at doggering in the woods

02 April 2017

Boston Haikai 153 -- Arguing with a dog

First warm night of spring
An argument with a dog
Under a street lamp
25 Mar 2017 -- Arguing over whether that puddle is really worth sniffing

Boston Haikai 152 -- March beach

Abandoned swim trunks
And silent, molting sea gulls
A cold march drizzle
Mar 25 2017 -- Dorchester Bay

Boston Haikai 151 -- April showers

April showers bring
Miserable-looking joggers
And soaked-through robins
Mar 28 2017 -- Almost april

Boston Haikai 150 -- Bent gutter

From a bent gutter
Rain pounds out a small dirt pond
My own private beach
Mar 29 2017 -- Comm Ave, trapped in the rain

Boston Haikai 149 -- Bake sale

After two days' rain
Two young girls selling brownies
On a street corner.
Apr 2 2017 -- Cambridge St

18 March 2017

Boston Haikai 148 -- Parking Warden

A parking warden
Looking a bit too cheerful
On a rainy day
March 2017 -- Cambridge

Boston Haikai 147 -- Family of Ducks

A family of ducks
Paddles hard against the tide
Storm clouds from inland
March 8 2017 -- Castle Island

16 March 2017

Boston Haikai 145 -- Bus at sunset

Headphones, pulp fiction,
And a beautiful sunset
Through dirt-streaked windows
March 15 2017 -- Crossing BU Bridge by bus

Boston Haikai 144 -- Icicle

With a soft tinkle
An icicle breaks free from
Excavator treads
Mar 15 2017 -- Beacon Street

07 March 2017

Boston Haikai 143 -- Kneading bread

Science is knowing
That this kneading and pulling
Just helps yeast have sex.

Oh to be alive today!
My ancestors envy me.
Mar 5 2016 -- A kitchen counter

04 March 2017

Boston Haikai 142 -- Hardware store

Buy five cent wood screws
Or a dryer on credit
Saturday errands.
Mar 4 2017 -- Home Depot

01 March 2017

Boston Haikai 141 -- Early spring

Spring came too early,
Birds and construction workers
Emerge cautiously
Mar 1 2017 -- BU campus (Some landscapers with tools standing around a leaf-less tree)

Boston Haikai 140 -- Sidewalk message

Important message
Very high two inch copper!!!
Left in orange spray paint
Feb 8 2017 -- Beacon St sidewalk

21 February 2017

Boston Haikai 139 -- Traffic cone

Mid February
Waiting for the ice to melt,
A trapped traffic cone
Feb 21 2017 -- A tipped over traffic cone stuck on the ice on the Charles.

06 February 2017

Boston Haikai 136 -- Office lights

Office lights left on
Almost spell letters and words;
Working past sunset.
Feb 6 2016 -- Prudential Center

01 February 2017

Boston Haikai 135 -- Ice and snowflakes

Warm breath melts snowflakes,
Ice freezes branches to stones;
I forgot my hat.
Jan 30 2017 -- Under a bridge over the Charles

31 January 2017

Boston Haikai 134 -- The Sad One About a Bird

Body of a bird
Squashed flat into the sidewalk
Ruins my lunch break
Jan 30 2017 -- Comm Ave

25 January 2017

Boston Haikai 133 -- Layers of lights

Three layers of lights:
Nighttime windows, jet liners,
And at last, faint stars
Jan 25 2017

Boston Haikai 132 -- Geese at rest

6 AM, at least,
Finds the geese at rest; floating
On glassy water
Jan 25 2017 -- Charles River

19 January 2017

Boston Haikai 131 -- Rain

All sensible birds
Are warm and out of the rain,
Watching me walk home.

11 January 2017

Boston Haikai 130 -- Home from the Holidays

Until next Christmas,
One thousand twenty-eight miles
Of salt-stained asphalt.
7 Jan 2017 -- I-90

Boston Haikai 129 -- Subway air

Down in the subway
Where the air bits the face less
But smells more like piss
11 Jan 2017 -- Kenmore Square

Boston Haikai 128 -- Orange snow

Fresh snow colored orange
By tungsten coil street lamps;
Night at five-thirty
11 Jan 2017 -- Comm. Ave.

06 January 2017

On Stereotypical Names

Because I am the kind of person that I am, I recently started to wonder if I could objectively determine the most stereotypical name associated with each state.
We all know that there are certain names from each state that are just so… state, you know? Names like Tyson Nielsen, of UT, Or Brendan Sullivan, MA. It’s a fun game to sit around with friends and try to think up the most stereotypical name for the states we love to tease.
‘But can’t math tell us more?’ I said to myself. ‘If math is good for anything, it must be able to help me make fun of people more effectively. But how?’
And so I set out to find a way to quantify how “state-y” a given name in a given state is. If I could find some good mathematical measure of “state-iness” I could run the formula over a large collection of census information and find the most “state-y” name for all the states. I did both of these things, and here is a summary of my attempt.

The Maps

Here are my official v1.0 maps of the most state-y names in each state, one for each sex. For personal relevancy, I restricted my analysis to names of people who were age 20-30 in 2010.
Map of most distinctive boy names
Most distinctive baby boy names born between 1980 and 1990
Map of most distinctive girl names
Most distinctive baby girl names born between 1980 and 1990

The Measure

It’s not immediately obvious how to measure statiness. Whatever we do, we should somehow capture the notion that the most state-y name is the one that is the most common in the state, without being common in the rest of the country. If 90% of people in every state are named Michael, we don’t want Michael to be the most state-y name for any of the states because it’s equally common everywhere.
On the flip side, we don’t want the one weird guy named “Zapron” in Montana to represent Montana. There may be more Zaprons in Montana than anywhere else, but there’s not enough to make it stereotypically Montana-ish.
My approach was statistical. I compare the abundance of a particular name in the given state to the abundance you’d expect if names were distributed mostly evenly and randomly across the country. When the actual abundance is much higher than the expected random abundance, the name gets a high state-iness rating in that state.
In theory this takes care of both Michael and Zapron. Because the abundance of Michaels is the same in every state no one Michael sticks out. Zapron is taken out because the measure takes into account small statistical fluctuations. The expected number of Zaprons in any state is very small, but finding one is not a terribly unlikely fluctuation, so it is discounted as well.

The Math

My mathematical model is as follows. The statiness S of a name is the negative log-likelihood that a name appears n_s times in the state according to a Poisson distribution with a mean that matches the national average, adjusted for state size, normalized against the likelihood of attaining the expected value.
S = \log(n_s!)-\log(\overline{n}_s!)-(n_s-\overline{n}_s)\log(\overline{n}_s)
\overline{n}_s = n_{US}\times \frac{s}{US}
As I was searching for data to run my analysis on I found a map made by someone with a similar goal. He mapped the most distinctive surnames in each state, using a slightly different measure than mine. His formula was
S' = \frac{n_s}{s} - \frac{n_{US}}{US}
The idea is roughly the same: find names which are more likely to be found in the particular state than the nation as a whole. In principle I can’t think of anything really wrong with this metric, but in practice I liked the results I got with my metric better. I think my metric produced more distinctive names, at least from the data I had. (Also subtracting probabilities is just wrong!)
As a note, I also tried a model where I used the negative log-likelihood from a binomial distribution of finding n_s people with a name after s trials with an individual probability of n_{US}/US. This yielded mostly the same results as the Poisson method, and I used the Poisson one to generate the results below.

The Data

It turns out the Social Security Administration has some great datasets. For example, they have a dataset with baby given names broken out by state, year, and sorted by frequency for all years from 1916 to 2000. Jackpot!
The main caveat with this data is that it doesn’t list names with fewer than 5 appearances in any given state in a given year. The immediate issue, that we are missing potentially high-statiness names, isn’t huge because our metric discounts infrequent names. However, my code assumes that that the number of names in each state and in the whole country is the same as the sum of all the names listed in the data. If there are too many unlisted names in every state, this assumption is wrong and that skews my analysis. Like a good scientist, I chose to ignore this issue and hope for the best.

The Commentary

I’m happy that these results seem to actually be interesting. There’s possibly room for improvement, but this is a good start.
The first thing I notice (besides the fact that the metric really loves ‘Tyler’), is that the results show geographic correlation. The Deep South loves William, the Northwest loves Tyler. All the usual geographic regions share some distinctive names. This suggests that the metric is working; the distinctive names are capturing cultural groupings that we already know about.
In the same vein, there are some names with obvious explanations. We know exactly why Spanish names dominate the Mexican border states, and why DC and MD’s lists turn out the way they did. This is more assurance that the names correspond to real world effects.
The big question is whether this is giving us good stereotypical names. The only real way to tell is to compare against my pre-existing stereotypes. Happily, the metric appears to work pretty well for the states I know. I imagine anyone who knows Utah is looking at “Tyson, Skyler, Trevor” and thinking “Of course!” Similarly, seeing “Brendan” at the top of MA’s list is pleasing the evil little stereotyper that lives in my brain. That said, I need people who are familiar with other states to help increase my confidence that these are good stereotypical names.
Interestingly, the girl names look a bit different. There seems to be less close geographical correlation. Look at all the places “Sarah” and “Amber” appear, even at the top of the list. I don’t have a good explanation for this, but I suspect that it’s a real effect and not an artifact of my metric because it shows up for one sex but not the other. Overall I am less confident that the girl names here represent good stereotypical state names, but I think that it’s maybe because of the way people name girls as opposed to something else.

The Future

There is plenty more to do with this data and analysis. I can increase the age range, or look into past naming trends. I am interested to see whether the geographical homogeneity of the girl names decreases as we go back in time.
We can also use a similar analysis to look at trends over time, and confirm once and for all that Ethel is an old person name.
I welcome suggestions for analyses to run. Also, here is the Python code I used in my analysis, in case someone wants to run their own analyses on the data.