17 December 2016

Boston Haikai 127 -- Smooth jazz

Smooth jazz at midnight,
Played over the store's PA.
"Just a jug of milk"
Dec 18 2016 -- Star Market

15 December 2016

Boston Haikai 126 -- Tree and gardener

Buried by his tree,
A gardener rests, shaded,
By an old willow.
December 15 2016 -- Mt. Auburn Cemetery

14 December 2016

Boston Haikai 125 -- Snow melt

The hope of fresh snow
Melts into sidewalk slush and
Puddles in the road
December 12 2016 -- After a night's snow

Boston Haikai 124 -- Snow at rest

Snow from the night sky
Finds a quiet place to rest
And now so should I
December 11 2016 -- Snow at 11pm

Boston Haikai 123 -- Train traffic

The train is loudest
Of all the traffic squawking
Braying on the road
December 12 2016 -- Over I-95

07 December 2016

Boston Haikai 122 -- Exhaust

I can see my breath
And exhaust from a traffic jam --
First snow of winter.
December 7 2016 -- Mass Ave

Boston Haikai 121 -- Windswept Leaves

The wind, keeping house,
Thought it wise to sweep her leaves
Onto my doorstep.
December 2016 -- At home

Boston Haikai 120 -- Hungry fog

Hungry winter fog
Gobbles tops of skyscrapers;
How tall are they now?
December 6 2016 -- Looking across the river

06 December 2016

Boston Haikai 119 -- Maple leaf dew

Maple leaf rain drop
Reflecting a lone street lamp
While no one looks on
November 24 2016 -- The sidewalk at night

Boston Haikai 118 -- Desert stars 2

Desert stars at night
Making new constellations
In the dirt with pee

Boston Haikai 117 --- Desert stars 1

Peeing on a wall
While my wife sleeps in the car
Desert stars at night